Good Friday 2024: Here's Why You Shouldn't Greet Anyone 'Happy Good Friday'

Good Friday 2024: Here's Why You Shouldn't Greet Anyone 'Happy Good Friday' Good Friday holds significant religious importance for Christians, commemorating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is regarded as one of the most important religious events across the world. Despite its name, Good Friday is a solemn day, not a joyful one, so it’s advised to avoid wishing people a ‘Happy Good Friday’ on this occasion.

According to the New Testament, Jesus was crucified by the Romans on this day after being accused of blasphemy for proclaiming himself the Son of God. Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, ordered his execution. Judas, one of his followers, betrayed him for 30 pieces of silver, leading to his arrest by Roman soldiers.

What happened on Good Friday?

According to the legends, Jesus carried the cross to Calvary, the site of his execution, where he was nailed to the crucifix and left until his death. This day is a time for Christians to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice, suffering and death.

Easter Sunday, celebrated a day after Good Friday, commemorates Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, which the New Testament states occurred on the third day after his burial. The term Good Friday comes from the word ‘good’ in the sense of pious or holy. In German-speaking countries, it is often referred to as Mourning Friday.
Why is ‘Happy Good Friday’ inappropriate?
Given the solemn nature of Good Friday, it is considered inappropriate to greet someone with ‘Happy Good Friday.’ Unlike other holidays that are joyous occasions, such as Christmas or Easter, Good Friday is a day of mourning and contemplation. Christians observe this day by attending church services, reflecting on the passion and suffering of Christ and often fasting as a sign of mourning.
It is a day of deep spiritual significance, symbolising Jesus’ sacrifice to atone for the sins of humanity. While the word ‘good’ in Good Friday may seem contradictory, it is believed to signify the goodness of God’s act of salvation through Christ’s sacrifice.

“Describing the day of Jesus’ death as ‘good’ seems strange,” said Rev. Dr. Brent Strawn, a professor of Old Testament at Duke Divinity School, in an interview with NBC New York Times. He questioned, “Why would you consider a day when your savior and Messiah dies as good?”

The origins of why Good Friday is called “Good” are not entirely clear, the report explains. One common theory is that in Old English, “good” was synonymous with “holy,” so “Good Friday” could have originally meant “Holy Friday” or “God’s Friday.”

What to say instead?
Instead of saying ‘Happy Good Friday,’ it is more appropriate to offer a message of reflection and blessing. You can say, ‘Have a blessed Good Friday,’ or simply, ‘Thinking of you on this solemn day.’ These messages convey empathy and understanding of the significance of the day for Christians.

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