Guru Purnima Importance in English Significance of Guru Poornima

 Are You Finding Guru Purnima Speech in Gujarati and Guru Purnima Essay in Gujarati. Are you looking for Essay on Guru Purnima and Guru Purnima Speech then here in this post for you complete information about the importance of Guru Purnima has been given so please read till the end.

Guru Purnima Quotes in Gujarati : Guru Purnima Essay Guru has a special place in human life. Guru is considered higher than God. The festival of Guru Purnima is celebrated to give importance to Guru. People of all religions celebrate this festival with great pomp. In today's article we will learn about Guru Purnima.

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Essay on Guru Purnima

Guru Poornima honors Ved Vyasa, who is known as one of the most revered gurus of ancient India. Senior Ayurvedic Consultant Dr. Vishakha Mahindru says, “Veda Vyasa composed the four Vedas, composed the epic Mahabharata, formed the foundation of many Puranas and the vast encyclopedia of Hindu scriptures.

Guru Poornima represents the date on which Lord Shiva taught the seven sages who were seers of the Vedas as Adi Guru or Mool Guru.

In the Yoga Sutras, God as Pranava or Om is called the Adi Guru of Yoga. Lord Buddha is said to have delivered his first sermon at Sarnath on this day, reflecting the power of this sacred time.”

Essay on Guru Purnima. Guru Purnima Essay in English

Ashadha Sud Poonam means Gurupurnima. Vyasa Purnima-Guru Purnima is an Indian and Nepalese festival dedicated to spiritual and educational teachers.

This festival is traditionally celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Buddhists to express gratitude to their teachers. A sadguru directs the disciple's life.

On the occasion of this festival, every disciple bows down to his guru and gets blessings. Like God and parents, Guru's position is high and venerable. Guru is the divine light. Which sheds light on your path. Guru plays the role of guide to complete the journey of life.

Significance of Guru Poornima

"Guru" means the savior of life by giving enlightened light from the darkness of ignorance. Guru's work starts from the time a child is small and fills the steps of school. Every moment of life requires a Guru and Gurupurnima is an occasion to remember this great soul who adorns every moment.

Guru is the personification of inspiration. Meditating on Guru and worshiping Guru on this auspicious occasion. Be it Lord Rama or Krishna, they too had gurus who taught them life. Guru's job is to give direction. Guru means a guide on the path of divinity. There are two main reasons behind celebrating Gurupurnima.

One who does not have a Guru in his life, to accept the Guru's feet and to surrender his all for those who are at the Guru's feet. Guru, father, mother, article, teacher. Could be anyone.

Meaning of Jupiter

Gurupurnima is an opportunity to pay the debt to the Guru who does not care about the relation of Guru Shishya by birth, caste, religion, country. The importance of Guru in our culture is unique. A Guru who enlightens the disciple and removes the doubts. A guru does not necessarily mean the same guru who teaches. In fact, a person who is proficient in any field like art, craft, music, sports, etc., learns under the guidance of a single person, a guru. Kutch also has people skilled in various arts. From village to village there are artists who have reached the top. or his disciples have made a mark in the world. Today on Gurupurnima day let's remember a few such persons who teach their disciples by remembering their Guru. In Indian culture and spiritual tradition, the importance of Guru, Guru Tattva, Gurudev is at the highest place. So Gurudev has a place in religious tradition. God is not directly visible. Therefore, for the self-welfare of a human being, looking for any information! So Guru is a real god. God himself is Gururupi Ek Maa The ultimate goal of the disciple is Lordship, which is related to Gurukrupa. If the disciple keeps 3/5 faith and goes to the Guru Sharan with unshakable faith, then God gives the Guru all the power for the upliftment of the disciple. And the Guru becomes empowered to do the work of the disciple.

History of Jupiter Purnima

The full moon of Ashadha month is called “Gurupurnima” and that day is also the birth anniversary of Munishwar Vedavyas. Worship remains incomplete without unique devotion to the Sadguru. The gurumantra given by him has the power to remove the instability of the mind. Prabhu is not called Prabhudev, while Guru is given the place-honor-mobho of Gurudeva.

Lord Krishna was about to return to Galoke. Then Arjuna said to God, "Now who is ours? We are left alone.” Then the Lord said that He will be manifested in Srimad Bhagwat and with the help of the Lord human beings will be able to get His grace. Thus in the Bhagavad there is His clear command that – “Consider the Acharya Guru as My own form and never despise him.

Don't look at them as ordinary human beings, because Gurudev is omniscient.” The implication is that the seeker should surrender to the Guru to attain Bhagavad grace. At the same time, Guru-disciple relationship can become vital only when there should be Bhagavadbhava in Gurudev. In Bhagwat there is proportion of Guru but also in Vedas, Puranas, Shastras.

Guru Purnima Speech

Salutations at the feet of all my Gurus

On this auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, I wish you all a hearty greeting. It is an important festival which is an integral part of our culture and traditions.

Guru Purnima reminds us how important Gurus are in our lives. Guru shows us right direction and right path which is very important in our life.

Guru gives us direction for attaining knowledge. They communicate quality in all areas of our lives. Guru is the true guide of our life who gives us the strength and true understanding to fight the many challenges of life.

Today we remember and honor our Gurus who continuously inspire us on the path of knowledge and success. Guru is the one who gives us the knowledge of all the secrets of the world which plays an important role in our education and development.

In today's world, we absolutely need a true Guru in all areas of our lives. Be it education, music, art, sports, business or any field of life, we need a good guru who can guide us in the right direction.

On this Guru Purnima day we should also realize that we are all teachers of each other. The people in our life who give us knowledge, experience and sensitivity are our gurus.

Finally, on the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, I request you all to respect and express gratitude to Guru. This is a small step that makes us feel respect and honor towards the Gurus.

Significance of Guru Purnima

Apart from that, the Guru remembers the tradition and bows to him. Guru's holy Prasad and Ashirvada Swarup Prasad Bhandara is organized in all the temples, ashrams. Guru is more important than God in Indian culture. Guru means remover of darkness and ignorance and spreader of light in life.

Guru works to remove ignorance and darkness in our minds and divert us to the path of God by imparting knowledge of the right direction. It is said that "without Guru there is no knowledge" meaning the ultimate goal of life is Moksha. Refuge of God is necessary to attain Moksha. Refuge of God is not possible without Guru.

Therefore, Guru is the only one who can cross the boat of life in our home worldly ocean. Celebrating Gurupurnima in Nepal- Known as Buddha Purnima in Nepal. Also called Triloka Guhapurnima.

School students celebrate a very big day at school. Students repay the debt by offering clothes made from indigenous material, garlands to the teachers. According to Jains, Chaturmas starts from this day. In 24th Tirthakar Mahavir Swami attained Kaivalya and became known as Indrabhuti Gautama.

Later he became famous as Gautamswami. This is how Triloka Guha became. Hence this Purnima is known as Trinok Guha Purnima. The first sermon on this day in Buddhism was given in Sarnath in Uttar Pradesh, India. So it is of special importance.

Method of worshiping Guru Poornima

Take bath early in the morning and wear white clothes.
In front of an idol of Lord Vishnu, meditate on your guru and your parents who are your first gurus.
Offer turmeric sandalwood, flower and flour panjiri.
Help the poor according to your reach. And feed the animals.
Get out of selfish life and start a new work to benefit someone.
One should make one's guru on this day, if one already has a guru, take blessings from him and wish for a bright life.

Behind every person's success is a Guru's hand. In the absence of Guru one goes astray from the path of life. Guru has been given importance in our culture since ancient times. And they are respected.

Take blessings from him and wish for a bright life.

In the absence of Guru, one becomes a thief, dacoit and commits illegal acts, as there is no one to persuade him. That is why we need Guru. Whom we can take as our role model and progress in life.

This festival is as important as Guru is for us. So give this festival a special status. And respect the Gurus. And adopt their ideals in life. And start a new life.